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Magical Housekeeping & Decluttering

Magical Housekeeping & Decluttering

Regular price $5.00 USD
Regular price $10.00 USD Sale price $5.00 USD
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Are you completely overwhelmed when it comes to cleaning and decluttering your space?
Do you wish that your home was some place that felt magical?
Do you want to make cleaning part of your self-care routine?

- 54 pages of awesome for you to print out at home or fill in digitally (this is a digital file and also comes with a black and white version!)

- Get organized with detailed cleaning lists for each room

- Discover how you really feel about your home

- Make a list of repairs and projects to tackle

- Tips for cleaning when you're depressed

- My favorite ways to make cleaning less overwhelming

- Discover how to make cleaning fun and part of your self-care routine

- Detailed cleaning checklists for each room + blank ones

- Witchy tips for each room to add a little bit of extra magic

- A list of crystals and herbs to incorporate into your housekeeping

- How to clear your space of negative energy
So what does cleaning my home have to do with either of those? It turns out - a lot. When I was in the worst period of my depression/anxiety/agoraphobia my apartment looked like something you'd see in the television show Hoarders. Dishes had been in the sink for months looking like science experiments. There were bags of trash everywhere because taking the trash out made me anxious. Piles of dirty clothes because doing laundry made me anxious. The thought of anyone coming to my home - you guessed it - made me anxious.

I was isolated. I was depressed. And I didn't like myself - at all. I told myself I was lazy. I wondered what was wrong with me. Back then I understood depression = empty and sad. Anxiety = scared and panic attack-y. I didn't realize that they also looked like executive dysfunction, fatigue, lack of motivation, and lack of will to do pretty much anything but play video games.

Enter self-love and self-care. Those two concepts made me start caring about my mental health. It had a domino effect on my life. I started focusing on managing my mental health and suddenly I had the ability to clean but I was also completely overwhelmed. A clean home wasn't something that happened instantly - I had to learn how to manage chores, how to break tasks down, and how to make it something I enjoyed.

That's why I created this. I want to help you create a home that you love without being overwhelmed by everything that's on your to-do list!

This is a digital file that you can print from your home computer or have professionally printed. Nothing will be sent to your home. You can fill this in digitally (using Adobe Reader, Xodo, or Goodnotes) or you can print it out from your home computer - whichever works best for you!

Can I Get A Physical Copy?

Unfortunately, I don’t have the resources to print and ship all of my workbooks. If you want a physical copy you are welcome to purchase the digital file and then have it printed at Staples, The UPS Store, FedEx, or any other printing company as long as it’s just for your own personal use!

All of my products also have Digital Fill-In Enabled, meaning that you can fill them in straight from your phone/tablet/or computer.

Apps like Adobe Reader, XoDo, or GoodNotes allow you to “write” inside the PDF, so you can carry it around with you whenever you need it!

I Am Not A Mental Health Professional

While I LOVE talking about mental health - I am NOT a professional. All of my worksheets come from lived experience which makes them unique but it's also important to note that they aren't a replacement for therapy. I'm not a therapist and I always recommend you work through my workbooks with one!

Printing Information

My workbooks ARE DIGITAL! They are in standard US Letter Size (unless otherwise specified) and should be printed on standard US Letter Size Paper.

When printed, the colors might be darker or vary from what you see on your computer screen.

Terms of Use

These worksheets are copyrighted and intended for personal use only. You can reprint pages as many times as you’d like, as long as they are for your personal use. Please do not resell or redistribute to others.

If you’d like to print them out and share them in a classroom or support group, you’re welcome to! Just message me first.

If you’d like to use them as part of a therapy or coaching practice, please check out my private use license!

Returns and Refunds

I can only offer refunds if you have not downloaded the files. All sales are final but if you have any issues, please let me know!

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